Finding your Sacred Place

I have often thought of having a sacred place. This would be any place you want to go regularly to spend time with God. Of course you can go any place at any time and God will be there. In fact God is always with you. But their is something refreshing about picking out a spot to go spend time with God. A place where you can go by yourself and focus on Him. I made that place at the end of my dock. It is just me, animals, and the river. There is no T.V. , music, or anything that would distract me from devoting my time to God. I just wanted to share with you because it has helped me fix my eyes on God to have a holy place. If you are feeling stuck go try it sometime. Go to the same place every day at the same time and do your devotions. It was worked me. It may not work for you and that is okay. Everyone has certain practices that help them. But I wanted to share.

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