What I am into and What I learned- Jan

What I am into

My Blog:

lesser-known-women-in-the-bible-part-ii – I wrote about the lesser known women in the Bible. I still want to do more research. Who is your favorite lesser known woman in the Bible?

Posts I loved:



Inside Out-  (3/This move was very intriguing. However, it was a little weird.




Reluctant Pilgrim– (2/5) This book was memoir. It wasn’t what I expect but it was still intriguing in some parts. I don’t think it was that great though and can’t really sum it up

Around Town: 

I went to an 80s themed bar crawl.

What I Learned

  • People really do care about me.
  • Meeting new people can be hard but it is not impossible.
  • I learned that you have to get a fishing license in order to fish.

Lesser known women in the Bible Part II


Joanna the wife of Chuza (Luke 8:3)-  ”  She travelled with Jesus, and despite the risk to herself and her husband, she remained loyal, staying with him all the way through the crucifixion. She was one of those who then went to the tomb to anoint his body and was one of the first witnesses to his resurrection.” –

Phoebe- Phoebe is mentioned in the Bible in Romans 16:1–2, where Paul writes, “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me.” He name means “bright and radiant”. It makes sense based on Paul’s comments about her. Phoebe obviously helped many people.


Lydia- She was a worshipper of God. However did not hear about the Gospel until she had crossed paths we paul.  Paul preached the Gospel and God opened up Lydia’s heart to receive the life-giving message. Then Lydia showed hospitality to Paul.