What I am into – October 2015

What I'm Into


October 2015

Around the Web: 

  1. How Do You Grieve a Friendship When You Never Wanted to Let It Die?
  2. Being rejected is most likely a good thing.
  3. Making the most out of a bad situation
  4. Another way to build community at church
  5. Kindness
  6. Sometimes we need to choose the uncomfortable
  7. Never the Bride
  8. Modern Day Parables

Around the Town:

  1. We got Free drinks and I got to wear my first Halloween costume. Surprisingly most people didn’t know who I was. I can’t believe most people have only watched mean girls like once.

school girl and regina

2. I went to a SCREAM carnival for Halloween.

3. I went to the Southern Women’s Show and 95 percent of it had nothing to do with southern women but it was fun.


kristen and me

What I’ve been reading: 

I Am a Church Member by RainerI loved this book. I always complain about church. I do everything this book says it is wrong to do. I never think of the Church as a gift to us. We are to serve God and others. God speaks a lot about the local church. I also learned we need to pray for our pastors. The enemy is out to get them. We need to pray for their protection. This book has a lot of wisdom and it sure does remind me that I can be very selfish. The church can change starting with me. The church is not about my needs being met it is about preaching the Gospel to others 

OutofSortsBook by Sarah Bessey  – I LOVED this book. Sarah lets us know we do NOT have our faith figured out. It is okay if we are wrong about God because even the people in the Bible were often wrong about God. It is important to be known as the ones who love. If you are having difficulties with your faith this is the perfect book for you. Sarah wants you so badly to fall in love with Jesus again. God is the same God throughout the New and Old testament. Jesus just gives us a new perspective. This is what Sarah Bessey writes. We need all denominations and all different views of different scriptures in  the Bible. She encourages us to forgive people who have used Scripture to abuse us. I know I needed that. I love the way Sarah follows and loves Jesus.  We all stumble throughout our faith journey. Give people grace. Give yourself grace. Love God, Love others, and Love yourself. P.S. She is the best prayer. Read her prayer at the end.

 What I’ve been watching: 

Television– Once Upon a Time, Are you the One, and Nine lives of Chloe King.


  1. The Kingsmen (2/5) – it was full of action and some of it was cute and funny. But it is not my cup of tea.
  2. Tomorrow Land (3/5)- I love disney. So the movie was cute. However, it was really confusing.

Beautify Me:

Kat Von D lipstick: Lolita



I have tried some healthy recipes this month. I have been over eating because of emotional issues. I didn’t work out this month. I didn’t go the gym.

Churchy Things:

I tried going back to Church this month ( meaning one time). My last experience at this church was good.  It took every effort for me to go since I am going through a lot and my Church baggage doesn’t help. It is a little to evangelical for me. It is pretty big church. Plus there are tons of lights and tons of stories. I heard just a little more than I wanted about getting Plugged in. They put in the college group and I am out of college now. They don’t seem to know what to do the singles.The Worship was a little to much for someone who has been burnt by the church one time to many.  However, I can’t escape the evangelical church. I love somethings and other things bother me. I am at lost to do. Next sunday I don’t know if I will go back to Church and I am oddly okay with that… for now.


Blown Off

Other Things I’ve Been Into:

  1. Group Therapy
  2. Over Eaters Anonymous
  3.  Key Chain Bibles – these are such a cute little gift. It always helps remind you of God wherever you go. I wish I could find more of these for cheap. If anyone knows let me know

key chain Bible

4. I got my make up professionally done.


10 thoughts on “What I am into – October 2015

  1. I can identify with the struggle to fit back into church after hurting. It’s sort of like Noah’s ark- messy, flawed, stinky but the only thing afloat.:)
    Going to check out your book recommendations too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hear ya also on the church background messiness… Just recently getting to a point where I’m able to see and hear new things while attending church without being immediately back to my southern baptist mega church when I was 6 (or 16) and didn’t really understand anything about life.

    :: fist pump & a “i getcha girl”:: for your persistence anyways. Hoping you find somewhere that speaks Truth and understands the pain & confusion we religious humans wreck on each other.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I did a small group based on the I am a church member book. Yes so many good points. It can take awhile to get over church hurt. I hope you find a place to call home. It has made all the difference in the world to me.
    Love that you have a Spotify playlist for this month. What a good idea! I LOVE Spotify so much.
    I have a goodreads account too! Will have to add you as a friend there too 🙂
    I will have to check out the Sarah Bessey book – I just discovered her blog this week and loved what I’ve read so far.
    You should totally try the protein bars I mentioned on my blog. I’ve tried four flavored and liked all of them. The lemon ones are surprisingly good. I switched to high-protein/low-carb diet during my recent pregnancy and gained less weight than ever before. I’m totally hooked. I can not give up fruit, but otherwise I try to eat lots of eggs, Greek yogurt and protein bars and I think it’s making a difference.
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! It was nice to read yours too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’re right, churches often don’t know what to do with single adults! I was really frustrated with that during my years as a single 20-something. I found the best thing to do is find a small group Bible study with people you can be real with, and find a place in the church to serve (children’s ministry, kitchen help, music, or whatever you can do).
    I’m going to check out a few of the links you shared!

    Liked by 1 person

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